"Superpowers" presents Zora's and The Wonder Twins's stories, two stories of made up heroes. Zora created herself by setting her goals and fulfilling them and the Wonder Twins were created by their fellow Burmans because a myth told that when twins were born in the Karen ethnicity during hard times, they could save them with superpowers. How super these heroes are is subjective to each person's criteria and certainly they stand no chance against Batman or Superman, but it is certain that they are no ordinary people. Zora reminds me of Batman because he set himself to rid the crime of Gotham City in order to avenge the murder of his parents, the Wonder Twins don't remind me any superhero. They have no real power, but Zora does.
Zora made up herself and tried to be that superhero because she wanted to fulfill her goals and succeed in her interests. She was not thought to have mythical, magical or super powers, but she had the will power to reinvent herself as a powerful, strong and determined woman. That was her superpower. By setting her goals and pursuing them in a disciplined matter Zora was able to become a successful woman, even though she failed at times. She became an example of persistence and prosperity, just like DC Comics's Wonder Woman. She is extraordinary because she is a strong woman who fights for herself until she succeeds.
The Wonder Twins, Johnny and Luther Htoo, are two guerrilla fighters in God's Army, a Burmese guerrilla that were created by a myth around them and they grew onto their roles of godlike figures. Instead of setting goals and fulfilling them like Zora, the twins came into a powerful position because their followers needed a figure to believe in. They needed faith to fight their war and they put their belief into the twins so they eventually were thought to bear magical powers. Yet, they were ordinary guerrilla fighters, with no magical powers, that tried to fit into a role they were believed to have. When the God's Army guerilla surrendered they proved that they were ordinary not because they lacked magic, but because they were just another guerilla fighter without the possibility to succeed.